Veterans Disability Attorneys

24/7 Call Answering



A VA Disability claim is a lot of paperwork and one little error can cost you lots of time. I’m a disabled veteran that originally used a local veterans service organization…
to assist me with my claim. Unfortunately they gave me the wrong information twice and now its four and a half years since my original claim was filed.

I talked with several lawyers and chose Mrs. Glover and Mr. Luck. Mr. Luck was extremely understanding to my situation and showed genuine concern. They will explain all of your options and answer any questions about your claim. They will always return your phone calls and keep you updated on your progress.

You need professionals that know how “the system works” and for me, Mrs. Glover and Mr. Luck were an easy choice. I highly recommend them for veterans needing help with their claims.

We Represent Veterans Throughout The United States

If you need assistance appealing your service-connected disability claim, please contact our office for a free consultation at (866)-849-3287 or (214) 741-2005

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